Monday, January 17, 2011

MapMyFitness Membership

Join's Premium Membership Program

About MapMyFitness

MapMyFitness, Inc. was founded in 2006 and maintains its headquarters in Denver, Colorado. Our suite of websites -,, - are the fastest growing online fitness-oriented social networks and training applications.
We target players across the health and fitness spectrum, including healthy and active individuals, race and event directors, and fitness and wellness oriented community groups and clubs. Our sites provide over 2,400,000 runners, cyclists, walkers, triathletes, and hikers, with an array of online training tools, including an advanced geo-mapping application, a database of searchable saved routes, training logs, interactive community groups, dedicated discussion forums, fitness calculators, global event listings and opportunities to compete virtually. Additionally, we offer mobile applications that use the built-in GPS functionality of the iPhone and BlackBerry to enable users to track and record their fitness activity.
Thanks for visiting MapMyFitness and please explore everything there is to offer.

Contact MapMyFitness

MapMyFitness Inc.
1810 Blake St, 2nd Floor
Denver, CO 80202
If you are experiencing a problem with the site, please search our FAQ. Most answers to critical problems such as GPS Import, Printing Problems, and Map Issues can be found there.
If you are looking to send us suggestions or general feedback, please click here. We read all feedback from our members and use it to improve the site, so please send your suggestions as often as you like.
**Please note that due to the high volume of feedback emails, we may be unable to answer each one individually.
For business inquiries, please click here.